The Virgil Vigil.

Raising Kaine has launched a Virgil Vigil. They’re tracking what every top Republican officeholder in Virginia has to say about Rep. Virgil Goode’s xenophobic attack on Rep. Keith Ellison. Sen. John Warner is both the top Republican elected official in Virginia and the only one to offer a value judgment on Goode’s remarks thus far. I’ve never bought the logic that every member of a party should be held to the beliefs of any single member, but given the enormous amount of international attention received by Goode’s remarks, and Sen. Warner’s apology, I do find it curious that Virginia’s Republican officials have clammed up.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “The Virgil Vigil.”

  1. What is it about the modern Republican Party that would recommend it as positive source of governance in an increasingly diverse world? I just don’t think these guys have what it takes.

  2. It has a lot to do with the fact Virgil Goode is absolutely right about restricting the immigration of Muslim to this nation. The evidence is EurArabia itself.

    Tell me Waldo, do what our authors like Salmon Rushdie living in fear for their lives?

    Do you want artists such as VanGogh’s grand children being killed for criticizing Allah?

    Do you want 500 towns in the USA to be no go zones like in France, where Sharia law is the law of the town, and the police acknowledging they do not gaurantee your safety in them?

    Liberals of course like to ignore these realities and risk future generations of Americans, just to smear politicians who speak the truth of what we will face.

    RK/Daily Kos little vigil shows why the National Security of the US, should never be placed in the hands of the Democrat Party. Bill Clinton turned a ‘blind eye’ to all the attacks as commander in Chief, our only salvation was a Republican Congress keeping new weapons programs and funds for training and parts up to date.

  3. EurArabia? “500 no-go zones in France where Sharia law is the law of the town”. You have not been to France and Arabia-From-Inside-the-Wire is just another name for the Green Zone. You need to get out more.

    Regurgitating a bunch of anti-Muslim crap from neocon, Zionist loons like Daniel Pipes is not a substitute for knowledge. In fact it is most unhelpful. It makes you an agent of Israel. Let them fight their own fight.h

    You would be in good company amongst the haters & heathens in Marseilles, where the local Muslims are referred to as “Macaca”, a term George Allen says he invented.

  4. WOW! The left gets more and more loony and anti-semitic.

    Ta hell wit dem dam Jews.

    Incidentally, they control the media and are most likely responsible for the flouride in the gummint water which controls your brain. Only tin-foil hats can save you!

  5. Chris,

    Mostly, you and your opinion are so irrelevant that I would not normally respond.

    However, your continued lack of respect concerning the name of my political party shows that you are willingly throwing stones in order to get a rise from someone.

    One more time: the grammatically correct form of the word is Democratic. Part of reasoned discourse is politeness. Will you ever learn to say the word right, instead of using it as a way to prove your ignorance?

    Other than that, your comments show why you and your blog-friends have been marginilized, even in your own party.

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