Server troubles.

Some of my websites and servers have DNS hosted with the always-excellent EveryDNS. Because EveryDNS is currently being subjected to a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, some of my sites are not responding. Including, unfortunately, my mail server. So if some of my websites aren’t working, or if mail to me is bouncing, just have some patience. I’m sure the good folks at EveryDNS are working on it.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “Server troubles.”

  1. I don’t understand. Doesn’t the domain name registrar handle the DNS for you? What does EveryDNS do for you that Network Solutions wouldn’t?
    Very cool use of what I assume to be Ajax on this site. I can see what I am typing as I enter it. Let’s see if it recognizes HTML.
    Yes! Tres cool.

  2. I don’t understand. Doesn’t the domain name registrar handle the DNS for you?

    That’s actually an abnormal and nonstandard setup that’s only become common as registrars try to be everything to everyone. Traditionally — and ideally — registrars do not provide DNS.

    What does EveryDNS do for you that Network Solutions wouldn’t?

    Well, for starters, their system is far better than Network Solutions. NetSol is a terrible, terrible company. They’ve been handed an ever-shrinking monopoly, but seem unwilling or unable to modify their behavior to retain customers. EveryDNS has a simple, friendly, straightforward setup.

    More important is the structural need to keep such things separate. It’s best to keep a registrar, a DNS, and a host all in separate places. If my DNS goes down, I can go to my registrar and set it to use another DNS. If my host goes down, I can still get to the DNS and direct it to a backup host. Redundancy all around.

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