No charges in Allen assault.

Charlottesville Commonwealth’s Attorney Dave Chapman (a Democrat) issued a memo this afternoon recommending that no charges be brought in the Stark/Allen assault (PDF) that happened at The Omni last month. The nut graf: “While several individuals could be charged with one or more misdemeanor offenses such as assault and battery or disorderly conduct it is apparent from the evidence that no participant sought to strike or injure another person.”

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

9 replies on “No charges in Allen assault.”

  1. I disagree with the decision not to charge the Allen supporters involved in the incident. However I’m not surprised with their decision. I guess they figure Allen’s loss was punishment enough.

  2. It’s crystal clear that Dave Chapman is beholden to the Republicans who put him in office.

    Oh, wait — I forgot. Chapman is a Democrat who was elected without opposition last time around.

    I guess getting a free ride means he really does owe something to the GOP. That explains everything.


  3. I disagree with this decision but the real investigation I am waiting for is the fbi misdirection phone call investigation from here in Virginia. If that is shoved under the rug, then that will be a shame.

  4. It’s crystal clear that Dave Chapman is beholden to the Republicans who put him in office.

    Well, you kid, but when this first went down I saw all kinds of comments like that. People from all around the country going on about how they know that “every elected official in Charlottesville is a Republican” (even one prominent Virginia blogger made that claim) and that this would be buried, Chapman would cover it up, etc. It’s lunacy.

  5. A voter received a phone call from the “Virginia Elections Commission” that stated the VEC determined the voter was registered to vote in New York, and that if he showed up to vote in Virginia he would be charged criminally. This voter did vote in New York several years ago, but has been a resident and a voter in Virginia for seven years, if I recall correctly, having voted in several past elections.

    There were also calls erroneously informine people that their voting location had moved, when it had not.

    Also, there were the harrassment phone calls nationwide (robo-calls) that got a lot of attention. Some of those went into the Drake/Kellam race in the 2nd.

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