The last trash bag shuffle.

Nothing makes me feel quite as stupid as the ol’ last-trash-bag shuffle.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Consumer culture is self-parodying.

When I want to make myself feel stupid I brush my teeth with my left (non-dominant) hand. Try it sometime. It’s a great ego check.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

7 replies on “The last trash bag shuffle.”

  1. The only thing that we consistently recycle is corrugated cardboard; anything else we just collect until we realize that we’re never driving it to the recycling center, and then we guiltily throw it away. One of my requirements for our new house is space for recycling containers for paper, glass, and aluminum.

    But, yes, the lack of recycling is part of what makes the ol’ last trash bag shuffle so ridiculous.

  2. When moving into my new apartment this past September, the roommate and I were disscussing items that needed to be added to our purchase list. Of course, I brought up trash bags. “Why should we pay for something we’re just going to throw away?” she questioned.

    So free, reused (rather than recycled) plastic shopping bags it is!

  3. I think something just as weird as the “last trash bag shuffle” is eating a omelet with chicken in it…Think about it you are eating two generations of being in one serving…maybe I just had a long day at school.

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