Fixed college tuition.

On behalf of a Sorensen Institute College Leaders Program graduate, Terry Kilgore has introduced HB 1459, which would let universities fix tuition rates for a student’s entire four years. Great idea.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “Fixed college tuition.”

  1. Universities can’t set tuition for four years? What a dumb rule. Good job Del. Kilgore.

  2. A good idea, in the abstract (I am all for predictable expectation interests), but with public funding and GA’s two-year budgeting process, the state subsidy could change, and create unintended consequences in tight budgetary times.

  3. Thanks, Waldo, for posting this! I was one of the Sorensen CLP graduates who helped write this bill, and I was the one who wrote Terry Kilgore asking him to carry it because he is my delegate. I’m thrilled that he has decided to carry the bill, and I’m glad you support it.

    Now, if it can just get out of committee….

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