Sorensen in Virginia Beach.

Amber and I are spending the weekend in Virginia Beach. It’s a Sorensen weekend, and we’re all the way east this month. We had a wide variety of topics this time. We started with a tour of the port authority early yesterday afternoon, which was really impressive. Sen. Ken Stolle and Del. Lynwood Lewis addressed us during dinner, providing their take on this week’s elections. (Sen. Stolle was refreshingly candid, and it seems we’d agree about a good number of things. I like him.) This morning Rep. Owen Pickett (retired) and Del. Terri Suit spoke to us at the Oceana officer’s club about BRAC/Oceana, followed Mike Salster about campaign crisis management, and John Garrett Kemper wrapped things up with a lecture about the practice of lobbying.

Both Del. Lewis and Kemper are Sorensen PLP graduates.

I must mention that applications for the 2006 class of the Sorensen Institute Political Leaders Program are due Tuesday. If you want to apply for Sorensen, you must do so by Tuesday. You can apply on-line, but don’t wait until the last minute — there are essay questions, and your responses have got to be well thought-out.

And now we’ve got another day to spend at the beach. It’s 62° and sunny — we really couldn’t ask for a nicer in November.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »