“Don’t move. I have a freedom.”

The National Rifle Association sent out an e-mail yesterday, promoting President Bush’s appearance on behalf of Jerry Kilgore on Monday evening at the Richmond Airport. The closing paragraph of the e-mail reads:

Don’t forget to “Vote Freedom First!” on November 8th by voting for Jerry Kilgore for Governor, and encourage your family, friends, and fellow freedom owners to do the same.

“Freedom owners”? I’m familiar with the need to aggressively (re)define to control political debates, but I don’t think this one’s going to fly.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on ““Don’t move. I have a freedom.””

  1. “You can get a lot farther with a kind word and a freedom than a kind word alone.”
    — Al Capone (1899-1947), U.S. Gangster

  2. Why would any gun-rights activist vote for Jerry Kilgore? He won’t even say whether he supports the ‘one hand gun a month’ rule. He gives us this BS about how ‘I’ll have to study that.’ What’s to study? The Second Amendment of the Constitution is fairly brief. I would think that a former Attorney General might already be familiar with it.

    Tim Kaine is at least up front about it and isn’t trying to be 2-faced. Kaine says that he’s happy with the status quo and won’t support any new gun control measures. So I know where he stands and I’m comfortable with it. With Kilgore, he clearly has no convictions and won’t make any promises about what he will or won’t do with regard to gun laws. I don’t trust a guy like Jerry Kilgore who talks out both sides of his sissy mouth at once.

    Of course, I shouldn’t be surprised that Kilgore is appearing with someone like George W. Bush. Bush said very clearly in 2004 that he supported the pointless and ineffective ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ and would sign it back into law if given the chance. Both of these ‘men’ are embarrassments to the NRA. Fortunatly, the NRA figured this out in ’04 and refused to endorse Bush. Too bad that whoever wrote that email for them didn’t get the memo that the NRA is supposed to be promoting candidates that, you know, support the rights of law-abiding gun owners. Not a couple of cowards like Kilgore and Bush.

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