WP: Democratic ticket all up in the house.

The Post has endorsed the whole Democratic ticket:

Mr. Kilgore, though personable and politically astute, too often gives the impression of a man treading on a paper-thin pane of scripted positions, constantly at risk of plunging through and into the void should an unexpected question arise. He has been publicly embarrassed on several such occasions. Even some Republicans were left shaking their heads at Mr. Kilgore’s stumbling showing and superficial cant at the debate with Mr. Kaine in Northern Virginia last month


Mr. Kaine has the potential to be a remarkable governor — a responsible, forward-thinking, unifying, principled politician with brains, guts and know-how.


Ms. Byrne is as close to a traditional liberal as Virginia has to offer; Mr. Bolling is an orthodox conservative; both are smart, tough and articulate. We are swayed less by their ideological leanings than their stands on fiscal matters. There Ms. Byrne has the edge, having backed the Warner tax package last year.


Mr. McDonnell is an able, articulate legislator, but we worry he would bring a dogmatically conservative social agenda to the job. He has been among the General Assembly’s staunchest opponents of abortion rights and a supporter of state intervention in end-of-life decisions, as in the Terri Schiavo case.

Mr. Deeds, a rural lawmaker, is no liberal; he won the National Rifle Association’s endorsement. We think he would be the more pragmatic choice, and a better attorney general.

It’s as unclear as always whether endorsements affect anybody’s vote. Few would ever admit that they simply cast their ballot for the candidate that the newspaper said to vote for, so it’s tough to measure. Regardless, these endorsements speak well of the 2005 Democratic ticket.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »