Kilgore’s mysterious education funding.

In yesterday’s Hampton Roads Daily Press, they nailed Jerry Kilgore for his latest ad, in which he relies on that time-honored tactic of Making Shit Up™

[C]onsider one of Jerry Kilgore’s latest advertisements, featuring U.S. Sen. George Allen. “There’s a defining issue in this race for governor of Virginia,” Allen says. “Character. Jerry Kilgore has the character Virginia taxpayers, working people and families need and deserve. As secretary of public safety, Jerry worked to abolish parole for violent criminals and provided an additional two billion dollars in funding for Virginia’s schoolchildren.”

OK, the parole piece passes muster. But Kilgore, as the Allen Cabinet member who oversaw public safety, also “provided an additional two billion in funding for Virginia’s schoolchildren”?

How he’d do that? He must have cut a personal check, because Kilgore sure didn’t get it out of state government. His involvement with public education and the funding thereof was zilch. He played no role in education policy during Allen’s administration and had little to say, if anything, on the subject.

The paper’s editorial board concludes that Kilgore’s “grip on reality is a tad tenuous.”

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »