Daily Press endorses Democratic ticket.

Following the lead of the Washington Post, who endorsed the Democratic ticket today, the Hampton Roads Daily Press followed suit today by endorsing Leslie Byrne and Creigh Deeds. That’s in addition to their endorsement of Tim Kaine a few days ago.

It’s well worth noting that the Daily Press endorsed Jerry Kilgore four years ago, but couldn’t stomach it this time, describing him as “a far better candidate four years ago than he is today.”

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Daily Press endorses Democratic ticket.”

  1. It’s great to see that the Daily Press endorsed the Democratic ticket, but I’m not a fan of their
    reasoning. They say that the only importance the LTG and AG have is as front-runners for the
    governorship four years down the road. There is some validity in that (more for the LTG than the
    AG), but it is important to remember that these positions are ends of themselves as well. The
    Attorney General’s Office has suffered a significant decline in quality hires over the last
    decade. I’m hoping that Deeds can turn that around during his tenure. The level of hackery needs
    to drop if Virginians as a people are going to get adequate representation in court. I cannot
    see that happening under Regent Law grad Bob McDonnell.

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