Blog summit update.

On Sunday, Bob Gibson had an overview of the upcoming Summit on Blogging and Democracy in the Commonwealth in Charlottesville’s Daily Progress, providing some great coverage to the late August event. With it came a wave of new registrations to the event, perhaps the most notable of which is the Richmond Times-Dispatch‘s Jeff Schapiro, their long-time political reporter. (Laura Bland and Bob Gibson, both of the Daily Progress, will also be attending.) With both Schapiro and long-time Schapiro critic Norm Leahy attending, the mediation portion of the conference may take on particular value.

That brings the total attendance count up to 41, a very healthy number, certainly more than I’d dared hope for in total. I should note, too, that in addition to the formal portion, we’ll all be going out for dinner and drinks afterwards, and those who spend the night will be getting together for breakfast the following morning. The event itself is only the tip of the iceberg.

Registration is still open, scholarships remain available, and a good time is yours for the having — please consider attending.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “Blog summit update.”

  1. Hi, Waldo

    I do intend to attend; but it’ll be about a week yet before I know for certain if my schedule is clear for travel. I hope you’ll leave the registration open a while longer.

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