Early aggregator success.

I’m pretty happy with how my recently-established Charlottesville blog aggregator is going. Not only is it working well in a technical sense, but many of the bloggers on the list are discovering other bloggers on the list, commenting on one another’s blogs, blogging about one another, or blogging about topics that they picked up from another blog. Another dozen people have asked to be listed since I started it, with just one person asking to be removed. (She was surprised to learn that just anybody could read her blog. Blogging, it seems, isn’t for everyone.)

What I’d really like to see, but hasn’t happened yet, is a run of people starting new blogs as a result of this. One of the tough things about starting a blog is creating an audience. It takes months or years of writing with no audience before critical mass can be attracted, and that’s assuming that what’s being written is even of interest to anybody. It’s my hope that Charlottesville-area would-be bloggers would be more likely to start blogging, knowing that they’ll have an immediate audience. I’d be happy to see that happen.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »