Paul Casey’s Songs in Open Tuning.

Paul Casey, one of my favorite performers, has just released a new album that is rapidly making him one of my favorite musicians. I had the great pleasure of checking my mail on Monday and finding that Paul had sent me a copy, clear from Ireland, for my review. What a fine surprise.

Songs in Open Tuning is his second release, and it’s a great evolution for him. His first album would be best described as blues-tinged pop — quite enjoyable, but best as a launchpad for his live renditions of the songs. A couple of the songs had serious blues edges to them, and I (and many others) encouraged him to explore this. He’s certainly do so with Open Tuning, and never has blues with an Irish accent sounded better. The first track, “Blues for Tony B,” is my favorite so far — I’ve been listening to it obsessively. It’s New Orleans-infused rock/blues, as the recurring blast of horns makes clear. Likewise, the second track (“Something’s Gotta Give”) makes great use of horns, an instrument too-long missing from blues.

Paul has made lengthy excerpts from “

      Blues for Tony B
,” “
      She Could Be
,” and “
      Thanks for Letting Me Crash
” available on his website as MP3s. Do yourself a favor and give a listen.

The album can be bought all around Ireland, but state-side, it can be bought via CD Baby. Recommended highly.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »