
Tomorrow I take my last final exam, and then I am returning to Charlottesville for the month-long Christmas break. I’m packing as much as I can fit in my sister’s car, because God knows what I might need in the next four weeks.

I will be spending the entire month volunteering full-time on Al Weed’s Congressional campaign. I ought to be doing work work, and I suspect that I’ll be doing some of that, too, but Al’s campaign is too important for me not to spend all of the time on it while I can.

The only problem right now is that the campaign office is not large enough to accommodate an extra full-time worker, so I need to find a place to set up shop for a month. I’m hoping that somebody with some spare room and a DSL in downtown Charlottesville will let me use fifty square feet for a few weeks.

So, Charlie in Tupperware, I’m leaving tomorrow for the only substantive break from school that I’ll get until this time next year. I’ll need to make the most of it.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »