“O Brother,” thou rock.

“O Brother” rocks. By which I mean the movie, not my brother. (You know, for the purpose of this discussion.) Amber and I went to see "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" on Friday, and it was really fantastic. I never thought that I’d put my grade-school knowledge of The Odyssey to use, but I was certainly glad to on this occasion. The bluegrass-based soundtrack was a blast. As good as George Clooney was, I think Tim Nelson really stole the show as Delmar. Maybe the credit belongs to the Coen Brothers and not the actor, but, either way, he served as a great focal point for the movie.

Consider that I hate most movies, this is pretty much a glowing review. I’ve got to see "Crouching Tiger," now that it’s at Vinegar Hill, but one movie at a time.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »