State government performance at a glance.

Gov. Mark Warner instituted the amazing VDOT Dashboard, the website that allows anybody to easily determine how well VDOT is performing. Now Gov. Tim Kaine has established his own iteration of VDOT Dashboard…for all of state government. It’s called Virginia Performs, and has an at-a-glance scorecard, web-based GIS, and detailed information on things like education, …

Republicans demand the rights that they denied Democrats.

Two years ago, Rep. Nancy Pelosi wanted a House minority “bill of rights” to keep Democrats from being mistreated. Republican leaders were so outraged by the idea that they wouldn’t dignify it with a response. Now Republican leaders want the same House minority bill of rights that they spurned, with Rep. Eric Cantor being one …

Rep. Goode’s first blog entry.

On USA Today’s blog, Rep. Virgil Goode is repeating his same old defense today. He strongly defends his refusal to display the Koran on the wall of his office, something that not a soul (to my knowledge) has complained about, continues to conflate the election of Rep. Ellison with legal immigration, and again asserts that …

Wal-Mart to push CF bulbs.

NYT: Wal-Mart intends to sell 100,000,000 compact fluorescent light bulbs. CFs save an enormous amount of electricity, run 5-10 times longer, and give basically the same quality of light. There’s no reason not to use them. This is the latest chapter in Wal-Mart’s year-old discovery that being environmentally friendly will make them far more profitable …

Bush administration increases African aid.

Yesterday’s Post pointed out that the Bush administration has tripled aid to African nations, and intends to double the current level in the next three years. This isn’t just wise in a purely humanitarian sense: it will help prevent terrorism from taking root there and allow further exploration of oil there. (The latter being the …

Jon hits the big time.

Great news for Jon Henke and the Senate Republicans: Jon is now New Media Director for the Republican Communications Office. He’s beginning work on Wednesday, and his family will be moving up to D.C. as soon as possible. Hiring Jon speaks well of Senate Republicans.