Democratic House will have a 5-day work week.

Under Republicans, Congressmen had a three-day work week, from Tuesday through Thursday. No more: Rep. John Murtha says Dems are taking the House back to a five-day work week, ending the single laziest era in the history of the U.S. Congress. Wonderful, wonderful news — this is the sort of change that I dared not …

Monday’s the deadline to apply to Sorensen.

The deadline is fast approaching for applications to the 2007 Political Leaders Program at the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership — Monday is the final day they’ll be accepted. The ten-month-long Political Leaders Program is Sorensen’s flagship program, teaching about public policy, campaigning and ethics in monthly weekend-long sessions that meet in a different part …

Remember: Senator-elect Webb is his own man.

During the election, some Virginia Republicans confused Jim Webb with his supporters. Senator-elect Webb is a conservative Democrat. The man was a Republican until just a few years ago. His most vocal supporters consist largely of liberal Democrats, and this gave some people on the far left and far right the impression that he is …

Legislation to ban autodialed, recorded messages.

Del. Bob Brink intends to introduce legislation to restrict robocalls in Virginia. Yay — I’m sick of them. I don’t care how effective they are. If it had the side effect of making it illegal for Blockbuster to call me three times a week for six months running to ask me to return a video …