Allen may concede tomorrow.

The AP has declared Jim Webb the winner in the Senate race. CNN (TV, not online) is reporting that the Allen campaign says they think they’ll throw in the towel tomorrow. The canvas simply isn’t going to reveal enough votes to do Allen any good.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

8 replies on “Allen may concede tomorrow.”

  1. Remember the totally useless exercise we did last year, Waldo? Talk about boring and with little or no result.

    If it was to be at Commonwealth expense, that would be a great savings for all of us. It is pretty clear that Allen would not benefit either in votes or good will, if he has any left with anyone.

  2. So, with the election results, does this mean that Bush has already blown all of his “political capital”? I mean, he said he was going to spend it and all, but that was fast! It even rivals how fast he’s been spending my and my kids’ future money!

  3. I know that I’m supposed to be discouraging the man from seeking a recount, but I wouldn’t begrudge it of him for a minute. After the 2000 election Republicans learned to pretend that recounts are for sissies, that real men don’t care if the ballots were counted correctly, and that the Supreme Court was right to rule that the ballots shouldn’t all be counted. That’s a steaming load of bullshit, of course. I want Republicans to learn the lesson of how important that it is to count all of the votes. If they best learn that by having a recount here, so be it.

    I think Allen’s too proud to have a recount. Pundits have said that he wants to win at any cost, so of course he’ll do it, but I don’t buy it. He was elected in 2000, and he cheerfully said at the time that Gore was a big wimp for wanting a recount. I think Allen would rather be consistent than right. Such is the hobgoblin of his little mind.

  4. If he concedes tomorrow with a smile and an endorsement of Jim Webb – he’s a Reagan cowboy.

    If he sends out his spokesmen, references his legal rights, and takes a petulant aire – he’s a Bush cowboy.

    I think the Bush cowboy is the safe bet.

  5. I think Emerson said that FOOLISH consistency was the hobgoblin of little minds. Allen’s not gonna be able to change the outcome with a recount. In fact, I’d bet Webb’s measure of victory would increase by a couple hundred votes, so why bother?

    Allen’s got 2008 when J. Warner likely retires and beyond to think about. Anyone who thinks he’s done should look to M. Warner’s first 2 races. True, he can’t self-finance, but walking away with as much graciousness as possible is the smart play here.

  6. I think Emerson said that FOOLISH consistency was the hobgoblin of little minds.

    Quite right. I’m a stickler for that (along with that the love of money is the root of all evil), but I preferred implying that Sen. Allen is foolish, rather than outright stating it. :)

  7. Did I miss the part where Mark Warner parsed the origins of Macaca, explained his racial “insensitivites”, and asserted the “aspersion” of being Jewish?

    Judge, I believe the proper comparison is to Sisyphus.

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