“Customized COTS” is the worst of both.

Some vendors who sell commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software to government bristle when their software is described as such. They want you to know that it’s not COTS: it’s “customized COTS” or “modifiable COTS.” That is intended to reassure agencies that their software is flexible, that it can meet the agency’s needs. But, in fact, “customized COTS” is actually much worse than COTS.

Vendors are generally eager to have their offerings fall under the umbrella of “COTS,” because both state and federal government heavily favor buying existing software over having custom software built. This is good and sensible. It would be foolish to have a custom word processor built when Microsoft Word and Google Docs exist, and ideally available for licensing at a significantly lower cost than custom development.

But the COTS label is a millstone around the neck for vendors of software that drives the operations of agencies operating under highly localized regulatory regimes. Take unemployment insurance. Every state labor agency operates under a dizzying array of state and federal laws and regulations about who can get coverage, for how long, for how much money, under what circumstances, on what timeline, through what qualification processes. And those laws and regulations change continuously. I don’t want to say that it’s impossible to build a COTS tool that could handle all of those variations, but I will say that it would be enormously difficult, and would require some very specific architectural decisions that I know that none of the vendors have made. In practice, every new state that becomes a customer for such a system would introduce vast new complexities into the code base, requiring that the “COTS” product actually be forked, with customizations made for that new state. That brings its own complexities, because any changes across the code base need to be grafted manually into each forked copy. This is no longer “COTS,” by any reasonable definition, but is instead what 18F calls “UMOTS,” or “Unrecognizably Modified Off the Shelf Software.”

Customized COTS is just custom software that the agency doesn’t own, the equivalent of paying for extensive renovation to a home that you are renting. If a state is going to use COTS, they should do so because they are happy with the software as it exists, and do not require modifications. Nobody would buy Microsoft Word and then demand that Microsoft add an essential feature that is missing. That violates the purpose of COTS, which is that the vendor has made those decisions for you. If you don’t like their decisions, don’t buy their product.

Sean Boots has a good test for the legitimacy of COTS: “If you can get a software solution to successfully meet your needs in one day, it’s a real COTS product.” I propose a corollary for testing the legitimacy of customized COTS: Will all customers receive identical software updates? If yes, it’s probably COTS. If no, it’s customized COTS, and you’re paying to renovate a house you are renting.

COTS can be great. Custom software can be great. Customized COTS is a tar pit, a way to pay for extensive renovations to software that you do not own, and now feel that you cannot leave, because the sunk cost fallacy is real. Don’t license customized COTS.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »