How to get started with continuous integration.

I’ve put off learning to use continuous integration tools for a few years now. There’s never a good time to complicate my development process. But today I finally did it. It works differently than I thought, and was easier than I expected, so it’s worth documenting the process for others.

I have a non-trivial number of GitHub repositories that are primarily data-based—that is, there’s no software to be tested, but instead the validity of data. I’m forever lazily checking in YAML, JSON, and XML that’s malformed, or doesn’t comply with the schema. I try to remember to test locally, but sometimes I forget. And sometimes others contribute code to my projects, and I have no way of knowing how they’ve tested those modifications.

So today I set up a Travis CI account. I started with their “Travis CI for Complete Beginners” guide, which immediately proved to be poorly named and generally confusing. Instead, I mucked around a bit until I figured things out.

Here are the salient points about Travis CI:

  • Once you link your GitHub account to Travis CI, every commit that you make is reported to their server, to (potentially) be tested.
  • By creating a .travis.yml file in a repo, you are telling Travis CI “please test this repository with each commit.”
  • The .travis.yml file tells Travis CI exactly what to test and how.
  • Travis CI runs tests by launching a little Docker container (I assume), per the specs established in your .travis.yml config file, and executing the program that you instruct it to run. That program might be a shell script or it might be something you write in any language that you want. You keep it in your repo (perhaps in a /tests/ directory) with everything else.
  • A test fails or succeeds based on your test program’s return status. If it returns 0, it succeeded, otherwise it failed. If the build fails, Travis CI will email you with your program’s output.

tl;dr: With every commit that you make, Travis CI runs one or more commands of your choosing (e.g., a linter) and, if that throws an error, you’ll be emailed a notification.

For example, here’s the .travis.yml file that I wrote:

language: node_js
  - "stable"
script: tests/
  - npm install jsonlint -g

This tells Travis CI to launch a Docker instance that supports Node.js—using the most recent stable version—and install the jsonlint Node module (a JSON validator). Then it should run the script at tests/ within the repository. looks like this:

find schemas -type f -exec jsonlint -q '{}' +

It’s simply making sure that every file in the /schemas/ directory is valid JSON. I could run all kinds of tests within this script, of course, but this is all that I’m interested in right now.

And that’s it! Every time that I make a commit to this repository, Travis CI is notified, it loads the config file, runs that test program, and tells me if it returns an error.

Of course, there’s a lot more that I need to learn about continuous integration. I should be writing tests for all of my software and running those tests on each commit. I imagine that continuous integration gets a lot more highfalutin’ than what I’ve done so far. But this new practice, if I’m good about making a habit of it, will improve the quality of my work and help make me a better member of the open source software world.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

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