links for 2010-12-13

  • During the Reagan administration, Rockwell developed a prototype railroad car for storing, transporting, and launching an ICBM. Upon an elevation in the threat level, the president would be able to order all twenty-five such trains to start circulating on the nation's rail network, making it very difficult for the USSR to target them. The prototype was completed in October 1990, one year after President Bush declared the Cold War over, and four months before the communists gave up power in Russia. That was the end of that.
  • Don't code ""—code "//". That way the reference will work whether or not it's being piped through SSL (or, indeed, HTTP). I'm amazed that this works.
  • People who are obese may well have lower lifetime medical costs, because they die so early in life. That said, we spend such an exorbitant amount of money on end-of-life care in the U.S. that a move towards hospice and away from the medicalization of death may turn this on its head.
  • William Wirt: early attorney general, member of the Virginia House of Delegates, friend of Thomas Jefferson, and, eventually, headless man. This is the story of how his skull was reunited with his body.
  • The Nassau County Executive was elected as a Tea Party Republican. To deal with the county's fiscal troubles, he…er…cut taxes. Now they've got a full-blown fiscal crisis—the state is about to seize their finances and basically state the locality into receivership.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “links for 2010-12-13”

  1. I don’t understand the “//” thing. As far as I can tell, starting the URL with “//” means to use the same scheme (http, https, ftp, etc.) as the current document, so it doesn’t make much sense to link that way to some other site that may not support https when your site does. And if you’re not linking to something on another site, then why not omit the hostname entirely and start with the following “/” or even later?

  2. The USSR had an extensive rail ICBM network fully operational in the mid 1980s. Keeping our ICBM arsenal safe from attack was a key component throughout the Cold War. It was always a more important issue for the Soviets than it was for us, because NATO had far more resources within striking distance of the USSR than were aimed at the U.S., but we should have never been 10 years behind them in this area.

  3. The no-http thing is entirely wrong-headed. I *think* their aim is to make way for things like spdy://, but they don’t seem to have much real-world experience. KCinDC’s criticism is succinct and spot-on.

    Also, I love how the site says that removing “http:” will “save you bandwidth”…

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