links for 2010-07-12

  • A law school professor specializing in estate planning explains why our country has historically favored estate taxes, and why the current arrangement is such a serious problem. I thought I understood this topic, but I knew nothing about the newly established dynasty trusts that allow enormous fortunes to be sheltered, tax-free, indefinitely.
  • Half of the people who have ever died have died of malaria.
  • Today's New York Times has an article about corporate femblog Jezebel's attempted takedown of The Daily Show for not employing enough women. Unmentioned in the article is the photograph of Jezebel's office, which reveals a staff that consists almost exclusively of white males.
  • As a TV show, WWII lacked believability. "There are some shows that go completely beyond the pale of enjoyability, until they become nothing more than overwritten collections of tropes impossible to watch without groaning. I think the worst offender here is the History Channel and all their programs on the so-called 'World War II'."
    (tags: humor tv wwii)

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “links for 2010-07-12”

  1. Waldo, it does mention in the NYT article that they are at Gawker Media’s office, not Jezebel’s office. Jezebel doesn’t have a separate office. The blog (Stirrup Queens) that is linking to the NYT article assumes it’s Jezebel’s office, but that is incorrect.

    All of the staff writers for Jezebel are women and the COO of Gawker Media is a woman.

  2. I used to have a friend who told me that, as he and his bride surfed the cable channels, when they got to the History Channel, they would usually say, “Oooooh, Germans,” and settle in to watch a WWII thing.

  3. Waldo, it does mention in the NYT article that they are at Gawker Media’s office, not Jezebel’s office.

    Huh. Well, that’s confusing. Here’s the photo, with caption, which doesn’t indicate what would appear to be a very important point. What you’re referring to is, I believe, this passage from the article:

    “We’re absolutely not afraid to take on the things that need to be taken on, and we’re not afraid to say things that need to be said,” Ms. Coen said at Gawker Media’s Manhattan offices on Friday, where two dozen writers, producers and technicians design, update and moderate content for seven of the network’s 10 sites.

    A reasonable person would conclude that this photograph is of Jezebel’s staff, within the larger offices (plural) occupied by Gawker. Of course, it’s entirely possible that this isn’t the case. But, no matter, I think the point remains the same if they’re all part of the same close-knit corporate entity: this photo indicates that Gawker Media is overwhelmingly male, the very thing that they say makes the The Daily Show so awful. That’s straight-up hypocritical.

    Whatever the truth is—and I imagine you’re right about it—thanks for that clarification!

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