links for 2009-11-20

  • An examination of 32,000 US government websites finds that over a thousand of them prohibit indexing by search engines or archiving services (via robots.txt, which is a suggestion, not a technological block), and a couple of hundred of them have an exception, but only for Google. Of course, we don't want government blocking public use of public data, and we certainly don't want government allowing only one company access to that data.
  • Second Life sucked. It always sucked. It was VRML for the ‘00s. I once spent an hour trying to navigate it, realized it was all hype and no substance, and never returned. That people were buying and selling "real estate" in Second Life—with real money—was just nuts. When Coca-Cola invested something like a quarter million dollars in their Second Life presence a couple of years ago, that's what cemented the foolishness of it all for me.
  • There's a nation named Cape Verde, a collection of small islands off the coast of Senegal. I had no idea. It was discovered and colonized by the Portuguese, and became an independent nation in 1975.
  • Last month, geek rocker Jonathan Coulton found that his October 10 show was scheduled at the same date and time as They Might Be Giants. He was sunk—they had him out geeked ten to one. Unless… So Coulton announced that he'd be covering all of TMBG's seminal "Flood," in order, and then provided video and soundboard audio for download. I'm only four tracks into the album and so far, I'd say this worked out nicely.
    (tags: tmbg music)

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

2 replies on “links for 2009-11-20”

  1. Lot of Cape Verdeans in Mass. such as Boston, New Bedford, and the Islands. Probably because of the influence of Portugeese.

  2. …cause of the influence of the trade routes. At one time anyone who was an international traveler would have set foot on Cape Verde, it was a provisioning stop for whalers, Navys, and traders like the East India company. It was as well known as O’Hare International Airport is to us.

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