links for 2009-11-18

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

7 replies on “links for 2009-11-18”

  1. I have been shot at, and I was wearing blaze orange. Fact is that there are people who call themselves hunters who don’t have the sense it takes to wield a firearm. This is one of them. His disregard was established when he hunted into restricted property. Here is the little angel he killed.

  2. He was the stone-stupid 12 y.o. son of our camp cook. The boy was an idiot. I’m certain he was too stupid to formulate malice, especially when stupid explained what happened. He was supposed to be hunting under the supervision of his father. He was actually shooting at a deer – and right into our camp. Uncle Russ was occupying the outhouse when two rounds sailed through.

    I was hugging the ground next to my brother as the kid emptied his clip. I looked over and bro had him sighted in. One more shot and he likely would have ended the stupid.

  3. Bubby, next time you take a kid hunting for his first time, go ahead and remove the firing pin from his rifle. It saves you a world of worry, and you still learn the important bits about tracking, patience, and in your case, checking your backstop.

  4. I began hunting when I was 13 after 5 years of gun safety training, many hours on the range, and years of stripping and cleaning. It was made clear to me that a single safety lapse would end my hunt, lose my gun privileges, and bring great shame upon my family. I consider gun safety training an essential part of parenting. You never know who your kids are hanging out with. Every kid should know exactly what constitutes risk at the first indication.

    I see your point Sam, but I grew up in the country – we were observing / tracking game at the age of 6. By the time I was 13 I was ready to join the hunt. I can’t even imagine shooting at something I haven’t identified, and I knew that at the age of 8. Tragedies like this absolutely don’t need to happen. And I support the toughest possible sanctions.

  5. I agree with Bubby for the most part. I have no idea what was up with the 12 year old moron who was in his camp, but a lot of kids who grow up in families of hunters start learning safety and tracking before they can even read. My daughter started learning to find deer sign when she was about 3 years old and the only toy gun allowed in our house is a dummy rifle with no trigger (no sense in teaching kids to walk around with their finger on a trigger). It gets taken away if either of the kids points it at a human or a dog or themselves. This way, gun safety will be instinctive in them some day when they are old enough to actually carry a loaded rifle into the woods. Or if they are at a friend’s house and the other kid presents a weapon found under a parents’ mattress.

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