links for 2009-08-27

  • Sen.Jim Inhofe (R-OK) on the health care reform bill: "I don't have to read it, or know what's in it. I'm going to oppose it anyways." Ass.
  • An actual photograph of a molecule, complete with atomic bonds. It looks just like the model you saw in school. Decades of theory, borne out perfectly in practice.
    (tags: science)
  • Candid photographs of people spotted in Wal-Mart. It's cringe-inducing.
  • After picking many pounds of wine raspberries one weekend this summer, it was disappointing to find that many of them had molded and gone mushy within a day, despite being stored in the refrigerator. McGee offers some great tips for avoiding those problems, including immersing them in 125° water for 30 seconds when you get them home. I'll give it a whirl next spring, when strawberries come into season.
  • Warner Records signed Roxanne Shante as a 14-year-old hip-hop artist in the eighties, straight out of the projects. Five years later, disenchanted with the business, she noticed that her contract obligated Warner to fund her education for life. Apparently they didn't think that a girl from her background would take them up on it. Warner fought it, but they had to shell out nearly a quarter of a million dollars. Shante now has a PhD from Cornell. That's pure awesome.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

10 replies on “links for 2009-08-27”

  1. How’s it ay different than any Democrat who hasn’t read it or know what’s in it, but will vote FOR it anyway? In fact, isn’t it more responsible to vote no (or present) if you don’t know what’s in it?

  2. That Roxanne Shante story is awesome! I would stay in school for life and study abroad e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e. Seriously, how many people get to stick it to a major corporation like that? And a corporation in an industry known for grossly taking advantage of people. Awesome. That story made my day.

  3. Off topic, but I thought there may be some interest in this:

    United States & Illinois File Clean Air Act Lawsuit Against Midwest Generation
    The complaint alleges that Midwest Generation made major modifications to its coal-fired power plants in Illinois without also installing and operating required pollution control equipment. As a result, Midwest Generation’s six Illinois power plants, which have a combined capacity of more than 6,000 megawatts, are illegally emitting massive amounts of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter. The complaint also alleges that emissions from Midwest Generation violated opacity and particulate matter limits.

  4. So, I’ll start off by saying that I don’t expect my congresspeople to read every bit of legislation they vote on. I expect, instead, that they hire smart, informed aides to help them read, reason about, and come to a decision on legislation that passes in front of them. I think that when this system works, it allows for far better decision making.

    This is not to say that I’m in favor of my representative just accepting an aide’s opinion, but that doesn’t mean they have to read every word of all legislation personally.

    However, in Inhofe’s case, he actually says he doesn’t need to read it OR KNOW WHAT’S IN IT, so that’s just inexcusable.

    “In fact, isn’t it more responsible to vote no (or present) if you don’t know what’s in it?”

    No, it’s not more responsible to vote no. It’s irresponsible either way. If by an uninformed no vote, we maintain a harmful status quo, I don’t think we’re any better off than if by an uninformed yes vote, we enact a harmful new law.

    We elect our representatives to represent us and make informed decisions on our behalf. Doing otherwise is a dereliction of duty.

  5. I shop at a Wal-mart about once every three years, mostly out of dislike for their corporate policies. Still, the “aren’t lower-class people funny” tone of that photo site is obnoxious, I think.

  6. As some wag noted re opponents of the health care bills not reading them cover-to-cover: “If I’m checking out the ingredients in a soda pop and the first one is “rat piss,” then I don’t need to keep reading.”

  7. just got sent that Roxanne Shante link elsewhere… really goddamn cool. I feel the need to add that, in addition to apparently being an immensely cool person, Roxanne Shante was (back in the day) an AMAZINGLy good rapper.

    check this track:
    it’s twice as good if you’re familiar with UTFO’s original track “Roxanne Roxanne” — but either way, it’s the sassiest bit of 14-yr-old tough-brooklyn-girl rapping ever recorded to tape.

    her 1985 follow-up single, “Def Fresh Crew,” an acapella duet with Biz Markie (his recorded debut!) is equally amazing. Can’t find a good YouTube link, but it’s a keeper (ask Patrick)

    … heck, I’m even a fan of her later stuff (audio is NSFW):
    (it’s sort of embarrassingly obvious that this track is ghost-written by Kool G Rap… but that’s always been a PLUS in my book)

  8. “If I’m checking out the ingredients in a soda poplegislation and the first one is “rat piss,” “Democratic idea”, then I don’t need to keep reading.”

    Statement corrected for full disclosure.

  9. I would really like to find a recording of the version I remember with “me the Rox, give up the box..” but no success. I do have the same one as James’ youtube link.

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