links for 2009-08-12

  • The last scene of the last episode of Six Feet Under. If you’ve seen it before, watch it again to remember why this is the best last episode of any TV series. If you haven’t seen Six Feet Under, and there’s any chance that you ever might, do yourself a big favor and don't watch this until you've watched the series. Without knowing all that leads up to this, I can't imagine it's particularly affecting.
    (tags: tv)

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

7 replies on “links for 2009-08-12”

  1. I tried watching that show, and couldn’t STAND it.

    Initially I was super-intrigued by the cast: Peter Krause! Lauren Ambrose! Then I watched a few episodes and found them to be completely leaden, thematically incoherent, and stylistically indecisive. I think the real problem is that I just don’t like Alan Ball.

    Out of sheer curiosity: what did people like about that show?

  2. I didn’t have any problems with the show in any technical sense like that. But I couldn’t make it through the series the first time through, because the characters’ lives spun out of control in a way that was pretty unpleasant to watch. I picked it up again a few years later, after I was told that it was worth getting back into, and found that only a couple of episodes later came redemption and recovery.

    Basically, I liked most everything about it. It was a pretty intense show.

  3. Brotha’s always got to die at the wrong end of a gun while the white folks have a nice peaceful ending.

  4. Oh, my complaints about the show weren’t technical… they were wholly aesthetic. I just found the whole thing dreary, uninvolved, tedious, and muddled.

    On the strength of your recommendation, I’d be willing to give it a second chance… but of course, I’ll probably wait until AFTER I’ve tackled “The Wire” (never seen a single episode, I’ve been waiting till I have time because I know it will eat about 2 months of my life).

    Realisticallhy, this will probably be some time after “Lost” ends… it’s the only TV show I still watch (or rather, torrent — haven’t had TV in 4 or 5 years, now.)

    Others have convinced me to sit through lengthy stretches of “Battlestar Galactica” and “Deadwood,” and while I enjoyed them both, I didn’t get sucked in enough to actually go back and finish either one. I think it’s mostly that my movie-rental schedule is so hectic and fast-paced that I can rarely find time to fit in a TV series that I’m not obsessed with. British comedy shows are much easier, b/c they’re usually only 6 episodes per season, and I can watch them while enjoying cocktails at Jones’ house.

  5. Others have convinced me to sit through lengthy stretches of “Battlestar Galactica” and “Deadwood,” and while I enjoyed them both, I didn’t get sucked in enough to actually go back and finish either one.

    At the end of the first season (IIRC) of “Battlestar Galactica,” they provided a free iTunes download of the highlights of the first season, stitched together as a promotional movie. It was probably a good 90 minutes long. And it was actually really good. I enjoyed it a lot. But the result was that when I tried to watch the show, accustomed to the fast pace of fitting hours of episodes into ninety minutes, I found it ponderous. Anyhow, you might give that a whirl, if you haven’t already seen those episodes.

  6. I remember the filming of that scene across the freeway from Edwards Air Force Base on California City Blvd. I was driving to work and there was a helicopter in the air and the blue Prius along with a bunch of trailers at the end of the road. As I passed the car I saw a red-haired woman in the driver’s seat and thought to myself that it looked like Lauren Ambrose. Sure enough when I watched the final episode… it was neat. I loved that show.

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