Tim Heaphy nominated for U.S. attorney.

My friend and Sorensen classmate Tim Heaphy has been nominated for the position of U.S. attorney for the western district of Virginia. My class named him, if memory serves, the person that we most wanted to represent us, and that was agreed upon by Democrats and Republicans alike. Tim’s a Democrat, but inscrutably so (many of my classmates assumed him to be a Republican for months until he called up that he’s a Democrat), happy to agree with Republicans when they’ve got a good idea, happy to disagree with Democrats when he thinks they’re out of line. His father-in-law is, incidentally, General Eric Shinseki. I imagine he’ll sail through the confirmation process, and for good cause.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

2 replies on “Tim Heaphy nominated for U.S. attorney.”

  1. That’s awfully interesting–thanks for providing that link, Martha. I think this is one of those matters in which it doesn’t actually matter (at this point) whether what Del. Hamilton is doing is legal. It has the appearance of being inappropriate. I think a reasonable individual would find this arrangement to be suspect. It undermines faith in government, and certainly looks like Hamilton has found a way to funnel money to himself by abusing his position in the legislature. To be perfectly clear, I’m not saying that’s what he’s done. I have no idea. Our legislature is woefully short of ethics regulations, so I seriously doubt that this is against their rules. But it looks bad.

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