Gerson: Republicans are a victim of their enormous success.

If I were the type to drink coffee in the car, I would have spat coffee all over the windshield this morning when I heard Michael Gerson’s comments on NPR’s Morning Edition this morning:

The Republican Party is undergoing a strange transformation, because the issues that brought it popularity and power—tax rates, crime, welfare reform, a number of these issues—have been resolved in American life in a way that just drains them of power as important issues. And so they’re left with, in some ways, a foreign issues set: global warming, income stagnation, the problems of globalization, all of these things that have very little to do with the way that the Republican Party rose and prospered.

Having solved the major problems facing the nation, the Republican Party has led itself into the wilderness. O success, mine mortal enemy!

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Gerson: Republicans are a victim of their enormous success.”

  1. Absolutely, very little to do with the way that the Republican Party rose and prospered. Especially in any sort of cause and effect way. Under no circumstances was the GOP “responsible” for any of the mess we’re in in 2008. Ah well, we’ll just elect John McCain now and he and the modern 2008 GOP will roll up their sleeves and handily solve this current batch of problems just like they have been doing all along! I feel so much better now. By the way, what is this Kool-Aid and why am I drinking it? (sputter, cough, barf.)

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