Republicans: We’ll fix transportation. By tomorrow.

Here’s a heckuva claim from House Republicans:

Republicans in the House of Delegates say there is no need to raise taxes statewide to fix Virginia’s wrecked transportation funding plan and that it can be done before the General Assembly adjourns on Saturday.

Those necessary roads going unbuilt? Fear not: they’ll be built! That troubling 2018 deadline, when the cost of maintaining roads will exceed the entire maintenance/construction budget? They’re gonna take care of it! Without raising taxes!

God bless House Republicans!

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

6 replies on “Republicans: We’ll fix transportation. By tomorrow.”

  1. There’s another winning quote, from the Washington Post story about it:

    But House Republicans say they are not likely to budge from their opposition to a statewide tax increase.

    “There are better ways to do it, and we will find the better ways,” said Howell.

    Yeah, right, just like the “better way” they found last time.

  2. Lowell has posted a press release over at Raising Kaine that says House Republicans intend to revive HB 3202 using their majority control. You can’t cure stupid.

  3. No….just the same fat, balding, white guys who do resemble unicorns when their comb-overs stand at attention in the sweet virginia breeze.

    Rainbows make these guys nervous, and ponies are only involved when attempting to justify a cowboy hat (which does help with the comb-over thing I must admit).

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