Recorded on an answering machine? Really?

I’m a big fan of This American Life. Every episode I listen to–though always in the car or at the gym–I resolve to blog about, because there’s always something just awesome. That said, the episode I listened to today contained a segment that was unintentionally a brilliant parody of the show. It’s segment four of “Return to Childhood” (episode 351), which begins at 46:13 into the show. It’s so terrible that it’s actually funnier than Kasper Hauser’s TAL parody.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “Recorded on an answering machine? Really?

  1. Hee! See #44 – SWPL – Public Radio, esp. This American Life!

    I’m with you, though. I like TAL too. And dinner parties. And Obama. And tea. And…

    (RE: You thought I would hate that blog – No way! Silly rabbit, I don’t mind jokes that poke fun of the majority or oppressor group, esp. about white people since I am one [and so is the SWPL blog author] — I only get sensitive when the jokes are made *by* the dominant group *about* the group in the less powerful position! Tricks are for kids!)

    : ) Glad you like it too. It really is pretty stinkin’ funny. The best part is the comments section, with people getting all bent out of shape. Hee!

  2. ChrEliz,

    I’m kind of curious what are your feelings on jokes that poke fun at minority groups by other minorities? An example being a hispanic gentleman making a joke about a black gentleman, or vice versa.

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