Anti-cow-immigration fence.

Remember how border vigilantes “The Minutemen” declared that they could build a better fence than the government, and they were going to put up a 2,000 mile long, 14′ tall, double-layered, trench-lined razor wire fence monitored by video cameras with facial recognition software? Yeah…not so much. Instead it’s a five-strand cattle fence, about 4′ tall, along one guy’s property, to “keep Mexican cattle out.”

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “Anti-cow-immigration fence.”

  1. It’s tough to raise money for a project that the feds have already appropriated $1.2 bn for, but are dragging their feet on spending.

  2. Dont miss the ‘Live Web Cam’…..

    Actually, it’s tough to raise money for bad ideas implemented by a rag-tag group who dont keep their books (‘love the Professional Services lineitem…a Halliburton moment) and waive fee’s if you have a Concealed Carry permit.

    Also, there is a stunning lack of pics of the actual fence ( in its 5-strand glory ), but plenty of a short section put up by the feds.

    As to the feds dragging their feet, surely you cant mean King Jorge and his merry band of bald, fat white guys?

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