5 replies on “Vitter’s troubles on the home front.”

  1. Aw, southern women say that all the time. Its meant to assure everyone that under all that soft charm there really is a steel magnolia. Just the same, ol’Dave would be well served to sleep on the office couch until this thing sorts itself out…if he values his penis.

  2. Surely, if anyone does…Sharper Image sells a good, sturdy, bayou-machete proof cod piece.

    he can snag one on the flight home.

  3. “I think fear is a very good motivating factor in a marriage,” she (Wendy Vitter) added. “Don’t put fear down.”

    OK, I’m starting to feel sorry for the old man…


    Wendy, Wendy, Wendy, that is an unfortunate choice of words.

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