2 replies on “Adopt this cat?”

  1. It’s a nightmare cat/kitten season this year for all the area shelters- or so I’ve been told followed by “We can’t take them because [insert excuse here]”.

    I’ve got 3 that I need to find homes for raised by a feral mother cat and then snatched and socialized by me (so they love humans as opposed to the feral parent response of fear) once they were finally eating solid food.

    And a Vet I know has a blind kitten (has both eyes but cannot see) which he rescued from a parking lot (suffered a heat related illness) who will need a special home as well. The Kitten likes dogs but being blind can’t tell a friendly dog from an unfriendly and will forever need to be an indoor only cat.

    In addition to this I am doing “trap neuter and release” for the feral population where I live. Using live catch traps provided by Voices for Animals. So hopefully this will be the last summer I have to deal with kittens (For a while anyway).

  2. Good luck with Mr. Blues. I’ve got 2 cats I’ve been fostering for a year and a half now that I can’t find a home for. The rescue group that my mom got one of them from won’t take him back now that she’s in a nursing home. Jerks. I would keep them but they don’t get along with my 2 cats and my dog. I am on the waiting list to get them into our no-kill SPCA but the waiting list is a year long.
    And they are cute..
    Well, not really cute. Hank was set on fire when he was young, and Ciao Ciao has a chronic runny nose. But they are very very sweet loving cats who deserve better than they are getting. I don’t know what is up with the cat population this year.

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