Pressure and Satisfaktion’s furniture-based man-orgy.

I just scraped my jaw off the floor long enough to blog about this (possibly NSFW) video of a half dozen high school boys showing off their mad sexual skills on an ottoman. Says Todd Levin, “I would be totally happy if this video was the World Wide Web’s grand finale, and then the Internet just went dark and we all went back to making candles and reading the bible and stuff.” I can’t stop laughing. I’m actually crying now, reading the comments on YouTube. My favorite so far: “The Aristocrats.” (Via Kottke)

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “Pressure and Satisfaktion’s furniture-based man-orgy.”

  1. I knew I shouldn’t have clicked, but I did. Wow. Looking at the comments posted by the one of the kids involved, it’s clear that they’re proud of their video and enjoy having people make fun of them.

    Their reaction reminds me of an article from New York Magazine about which I wrote on one of my work blogs a few months ago. It dealt with kids’ reasons for posting personal information on the web. They don’t think privacy truly exists anymore, so they feel comfortable with putting it all out there. I also think they’ve grown up in a time when the infamous nobody get as much attention as the famous somebody.

  2. I don’t even really want to click on this. What is this? This is high-school kids dry-humping furniture?


  3. @james: Pretty much. Showin’ off their mad ottoman-humpin’ skillz. (Actually, it’s a response to a request by Pretty Ricky for some new dance moves for a recent song. Somehow, I don’t think this one will win.)

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