Bill O’Reilly just can’t stop insulting people.

Study: In his opening monologue, Bill O’Reilly insults somebody once every 6.8 seconds. A great many of my friends love The Colbert Report, but have never seen O’Reilly. Believe me, he’s all the funnier if you’ve never seen his show before. Don’t miss it. He’s basically self-parodying.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “Bill O’Reilly just can’t stop insulting people.”

  1. I don’t see the problem with those criteria, if I understand them properly. “Conservative murderer,” “liberal welfare queen,” “centrist fence-sitter” and “looney left” would all fall under those criteria, which makes perfect sense to me if we’re looking to track insults.

  2. I would adjust that number up a bit as I think that terrorists (recipients of 21% of group insults) are generally insult-worthy; that he insults them shouldn’t be held against him!

  3. I go along with you on this, Waldo. I just thought fairness demanded someone point out that he’s not calling people “lying weasels,” “gutless cowards,” or “fat bastards” every 6.8 seconds.

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