Animated Civil War map.

Danica Bergagnini created this fantastic four-minute animation of the battle lines between the union and the confederacy. It’s now clear to me how powerful the Savannah Campaign was.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “Animated Civil War map.”

  1. I am a huge Civil War buff…and a big fan of Ken Burns’ epic miniseries. I have worked to collect as many versions of “Ashokan Farewell” as possible. I love that song.

    That map was incredibly well done. I am impressed and I want to thank you for pointing it out to me.

  2. Well yeah, I guess that using terrorism on a massive scale against people who are too honorable to respond in kind is a pretty effective tactic. William Sherman’s body should be dug up and beheaded like Cromwell’s was. Nowadays we put his kind in Gitmo.

  3. Holy crap! The casualty-meter is profoundly horrifying.

    Ashokan Farewell, though one of my all-time favorite tunes, seems too sweet, a times, for such dreadful developments.

    Perhaps something like the Dead Kennedy’s “Holiday in Cambodia” would convey the sense horror better.

  4. Wow, Waldo, thanks for sharing this. It’s truly porn for the history buff. :-)

    I watched it about 5 times. It’s just about the only thing in the last 5 years that makes me want to go back to the classroom again and team-teach with a great history teacher, studying the Civil War. I would have loved to share this with my kids.

  5. That. Is. Awesome. And kind of sad. I don;t think I ever really understood just how many people died.

    I couldn’t decide what part to concentrate on – the first time.

    The other animations that come up afterwards are pretty good too. Every history buff should check these out.

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