2 replies on “Koji Kondo fanboys.”

  1. Two Guitars and Beatboxing Flute are great!

    Years ago I heard either an album or a long track of two guys doing the entire Super Mario Bros soundtrack. I think they were pretending to be Sweedish. All beat boxing and vocalizations if I recall. Does anyone else remember this?

  2. Does anyone else remember this?

    “it is called Mario Twins, they look the same!”

    that’s by a band named Group X, it had some unfortunate flash animation added to it as a later date by an unrelated party.

    I’ve always found it frustrating that, while it’s preposterously easy to find all manner of ironic covers and remixes of old NES music — everything from punk bands to orchestral versions to jungle remixes — it’s almost impossible to find mp3s of the actual 8-bit chip tunes themselves.

    Two years ago I got so fed up with this that i downloaded an .nsf file player and ran it through Audio Hijack and made myself recordings of all the best NES music. It was actually a lot of work, I had to edit down endless loops into linear songs, imposing a verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-verse-chorus structure on songs that were designed to repeat ad infitium.

    But it was worth it; I now have CDs of the soundtracks for about 10 NES and SNES games. My favorite are probably Super Mario Bros 2, Dr. Mario, Mega Man 2 and 3, and Little Nemo the Dream Master. Great stuff, that chip music… sort of the missing link between 60’s Perrey/Kingsley-style moog-pop and bleepy 90’s IDM.

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