Americans overwhelmingly oppose Bush’s Iraq plan.

Newsweek poll: 68% of Americans oppose Bush’s planned increase of troop levels in Iraq, 46% want to see our troops pulled out immediately. 76% do not approve of his handling of the war and 59% do not approve of his handling of terrorism. He’s still down at 31% approval, and angling for breaking that 30% floor, by the looks of things.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “Americans overwhelmingly oppose Bush’s Iraq plan.”

  1. So here is my suggestion: We impeach Cheney because he really is a corrupt guy who shoots people. Bush gets to appoint his successor (and feels the whistle of that shot across the bow). Nothing like a smoking hole where your VP used to be to get your attention.

    Then, if things don’t start improving around the Whitehouse, we replace the coach. His hand-picked, Republican-approved successor gets to finish out the term. And Repubs get one more chance to pick one more VP.

    Or, we could just let Bush be Bush. And hope it doesn’t kill the nation in the process of destroying the Republican party.

  2. Sometimes it is a good thing Bush actually does not pay attention to news media polls. Wait for Nov 2008, that is the next poll that will tell us something about what the American people think.

    The fight for Iraq is one we have to win. Most Americans know that the consequences of losing are serious. Yet we also hate war. So Americans are complaining.

    Americans love to gripe, but that does not help the Democrats much. All the Democrats have to offer is conceding the fight. How is that a better idea?

    Waldo, the web address on my blog is When you find the time, please update your aggregator.

  3. Tom: How many report cards do you want for Bush, Congressional Republicans and the Iraq War? Are you hoping for a better outcome in 2008 than Nov.2006? Be honest, even Bush doesn’t believe in your war anymore – 21,000 troops for a fight “we have to win”? My suggestion is that you get out in front and tell America what you should have told them long ago; we can’t win this war with a volunteer army, we will need to restart the draft, put a soldier on every corner in Iraq, and keep them there for 20 years.

    The American people elected Democrats to ensure that George Bush engages Syria and Iran in detente, enlists the neighbors in a peace keeping force, train Iraqi’s in self government, and get our troops out of the Iraqi civil war.

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