“He stood as strong as a mountain while he was being hanged.”

NYT: The execution of Saddam Hussein has made him a martyr to many, even among those who disliked him mere days ago.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on ““He stood as strong as a mountain while he was being hanged.””

  1. Remember that huge blogstorm a couple of weeks ago about posting terrorist snuff imagery on blogs? (Sure, like you could forget.)

    Well, once those videos of Saddam’s execution started making their way around, I knew hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of people would view them (many of whom would have unwittingly clicked a link or opened a file not knowing what they would see).

    I worried about all the kids who’d be exposed to this kind of imagery…worried about how many people would be haunted by this, traumatized by it. But I never imagined it would actually have resulted in the deaths of two children, one in Texas, one in Pakistan, both of whom saw the video and emulated it in play, resulting in tragic accidental death:


    Such sadness heaped on sorrow heaped on outrage heaped on injustice heaped on horror is this war in Iraq…

  2. On Friday Charles Krauthammer noted the irony of the man responsible for more deaths than any other living human coming off as the most dignified person at his own execution.

  3. Nori al-Maliki has become America’s new Ngo Dinh Diem. And the solution is not likely to be any better.

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