Hargrove / slavery apology press roundup.

RT-D: Governor Kaine calls Hargrove’s comments “outrageous.” Roanoke Times: Allen, Goode, and Hargrove are all evidence that we need to apologize for slavery. Free Lance-Star: Frank Hargrove shouldn’t give interviews. Virginian-Pilot: Does Hargrove think we should “get over” September 11th? Marc Fisher, WP: Hargrove is basically a nice guy who inadvertently demonstrated why an apology for slavery is necessary. Times-Dispatch: It’s Hargrove who needs to apologize, out of common courtesy.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

6 replies on “Hargrove / slavery apology press roundup.”

  1. Interesting tidbit from the WaPo story:

    He also opposed an official apology to mentally retarded Virginians who were forcibly sterilized by the state decades ago. Hargrove opposed the apology even though his own brother was sterilized; the delegate said it was wrong to atone for something that many, including his parents, believed was right at the time.

  2. … the delegate said it was wrong to atone for something that many, including his parents, believed was right at the time.

    Anti-atonement? Clearly, he’s not a good Catholic boy. I say we roast him for a heretic.

  3. Every bad thing ever done happened because someone thought it was a good idea at the time. By Hargrove’s logic, nothing ever needs to be apologized for.

  4. How the hammer has fallen on poor Mr. Hargrove. I think, as always, the Washington Post has the best assessment on the issue (even though I still think he shouldn’t apologize). It actually shows balance, pointing out many missteps, but also in fairness saying many good things about Hargrove. Still though, no one in the media is writing about the Hargrove incident objectively, let alone supportively. Despite the fact that 4 out of 1 comments on the Times-Dispatch article support him. I think the media is getting too carried away with this, and it’s a shame how they selectively only use a portion of the Daily Star quote, and somehow many have twisted Hargrove’s words to state that he seriously supports the notion that the Jews should apologize for killing Jesus.

  5. many have twisted Hargrove’s words to state that he seriously supports the notion that the Jews should apologize for killing Jesus.

    I had picked up on that, as well, and wondered if it was my inference, rather than their implication. That certainly is unfair — there’s just no reason to think that he meant that.

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