3 replies on “Wesabe.”

  1. Is “Websabe” your name for it? Or did they put the letter “b” a little bit to close to the “s” on your keyboard? :)

  2. I seriously thought the name was “Websabe,” a clever mashup of the condiment and the word “web.” Though in speaking it, I’ve said “Wesabe” every time. If I were smarter, I’d be able to explain how this reveals the intricacies of the human brain. But I not smart enuf.

  3. I stumbled across GRS last Spring and it has been one of my daily hits every day. It’s a great site with lots of good info and JD is sort of the “everyman” that everyone can relate to when it comes to personal finance. Great site- I’d totally reccomend it to anyone interested in the subject— are really- we all should be.

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