Virginia Political Blogs aggregator cleanup.

Since the election has gone by I just went through and did a little cleanup on the Virginia Political Blogs aggregator. I removed any blog that existed solely to cover the election (campaign blogs and their independent counterparts), any blog that has been end of lifed (where its creator has said “I’m done”) or any blog that appears to have abandoned (using the semi-arbitrary date of July 1 as the bar). So we’ve gone from 177 political blogs in Virginia down to 157. I expect that’ll drop by another dozen or two in the next couple of months as more blogs are abandoned, but we’ll see.

If I’ve accidentally removed your blog, just contact me, rather than assume that I’m conspiring against you.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “Virginia Political Blogs aggregator cleanup.”

  1. I haven’t exactly abandoned my blog, but you wouldn’t know it from how infrequently I post there.

    I may be doing some housecleaning of my own and moving to WordPress or something. It got to the point during election season that I didn’t have time for anything but campaign-related stories, and now I am looking at doing more local stories, since we have a few governemnts over here that are self-destructing just in time for local elections next year.

    Thanks for all you do with the VA political blog site, Waldo.

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