Rush Limbaugh’s alternate reality.

I listen to Rush Limbaugh fairly regularly, and always end up feeling like he occupies some sort of an alternate reality. He often states things as fact that I know without question are not fact, and can easily be demonstrated to be wrong. Turns out I’m not the only one who feels that way.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “Rush Limbaugh’s alternate reality.”

  1. Feed Live-Tunafish Mayonaise!!! (that’s the post Night-Shift slang for Eureka!)

    I think I just made a connection….

    Theory: What if Bush and Allen are getting all their “news” and “facts” from Rush Limbaugh?

    It’s just a theory, but it could explain a lot. We know from his own statements that Bush doesn’t read the papers… perhaps he’s too busy listening to Rush.

    How I jumped to this theory; when Waldo stated that it turns out he is not the only one who feels like Rush occupies an alternate reality I realized that expresses exactly how I feel whenever President Bush gets airtime on NPR or Newschannel8. His “facts” are demonstrably wrong in nearly every statement, perhaps he gets them from Mr. Limbaugh?

    I do not know, it’s just a theory… What do people think?

  2. Man, I just watched Michael J. Fox on ABC This Week with Stephanopolous. It was pretty rough to watch–but what Fox is doing is quite admirable.

    I understand that Limbaugh was offered the opportunity to appear on ABC This Week–AND HE DECLINED. Let me get this straight–Limbaugh takes a few potshots at a guy with a debilitating disease, and he won’t even leave his controlled environment to defend his position?

    The thing that gets me the most is that Limbaugh fashions himself as an “authority” and is able to achieve this illusion through a trick of technology. If you take Limbaugh out of that sound-proof radio studio, if he’s forced to defend his opinions in a hostile forum–or even one with a moderator–he wouldn’t be able to hold his ground.

    It’s the same trick that some politicians use where campaign managers keep the candidate away from hostile questioners; they manufacture an image for a candidate like the used to do with movie stars; they handpick audience who help perpetuate an illusion of uniform approval; etc, etc. The methods of manipulation can be extremely subtle and the sad thing is that they frequently work very effectively.

  3. The other day Rush was lamenting the resurgence of the Sandinistas in Nicaragua (my thoughts on this) and he referred to the contras as “freedom fighters.” People who bomb schools are terrorists in my book, but you have to subscribe to an alternate reality to understand the Rush/Hannity viewpoint.

  4. I find it hard to believe that anyone can take a person such as Rush who:

    1. A drug abuser who can barely admit to the problem until there is enough bad presss that forces him to
    2. Uses a BOIL on His butt…(never verified by a MEPS Doctor) to avoid a draft, being that he dropped out of college and was made illegible. Even though his number was never called, hen never volunteered either.
    3. Caught with Viagra, in someone elses name coming from a a foriegn country…Hmm, I am sure that if any Democrat would have done that he would have wanted charges and crimianl sex investigations
    4. So obsessed with Bill Clinton, he probably needs a restraining order. Bill has been out of office for over 6 years and he still can’t get over the him. Every problem that arises is Bill’s fault. I think he has nightmares about him, has a special psychiatrist that helps him deal with obsession. I would not be suprised if Rush has a secret room with pictures of Bill all over the wall as he takes his Viagra and does whatever he does at home…

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