Four Virginia congressfolk oppose earmarks sunlight.

Norm points out that four Virginia congresscritters voted against the requirement that earmarks have the name of a representative attached to them: Reps. Rick Boucher (D), Jim Moran (D), Bobby Scott (D) and Frank Wolf (R). I’m mighty disappointed in those Democrats’ votes, particularly Rep. Boucher. Every Democrat I’ve talked to supports this change. Why don’t they?

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “Four Virginia congressfolk oppose earmarks sunlight.”

  1. I haven’t been able to verify it but I’ve heard that the reason Democrats voted against it was that the Republicans made the reform only effective for the remainder of this congress.

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