Veterans for Allen…why?

Mark Brooks, responding to The Patriot Project’s article, asks why decorated veteran Paul Galanti has chosen to chair Sen. Allen’s Campaign Veterans’ Coalition, given that Allen was playing cowboy at a dude ranch while Jim Webb was serving in Vietnam.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Veterans for Allen…why?”

  1. Wow, this got the same non-response it got over at RK. I am beginning to wonder if I am totally out to lunch in my objections to a venom-spitting man like Paul Galanti being George Allen’s veterans coordinator.

    On second or third thought, I am not the one who is out to lunch. Veteran’s issues are not reverberating in the media or the blog o’ sphere for some reason. That doesn’t make the issue less important, it makes the coming swiftboating attempts on Webb easy to call and there for everyone to see. George Allen, the dude ranch warrior, has no concern for veterans except those that agree with him and Mr. Galanti.

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