Allen/Terry parallels continue.

I continue to be struck by the remarkable parallels between Sen. Allen’s decline and Mary Sue Terry’s decline. I think we’ve just passed the “campaign finds itself unable to change course, modifications to the strategy are interpreted as desperation” point, and we’re perhaps three weeks away from the “Allen never really had a chance” mark.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “Allen/Terry parallels continue.”

  1. Let’s be aware of the alternative, which is that the voting populace can get weary of the pile up and sympathize with the good old Senator. The Webb campaign has been wise not to capitalize on the situation, but if the discourse doesn’t turn toward issues soon this could backfire.

  2. You’re right; the Allen campaign is unable to change course. They almost tried to do so, with the belated apology after the “macaca” incident. Ultimately, though, they back-tracked and blamed others (Jim Webb, Raising Kaine, DailyKos, the Liberal Media, anyone who criticized or questionned them) for their woes.

    They might have had a chance, if they had offered prompt, sincere apologies, including admission of fault, acknowledgement of damage and promise of change. People are forgiving.

    Instead, they’ve reverted to full scale “attack” mode. It’s almost as if George Allen and those who he surrounded himself were constitutionally incapable of any other manner of action. Now, the floodgates have opened and it’s too late.

  3. It’s the attack of Democratic bloggers and the Webb campaign that’s so weird. Every time Allen says something stupid — three times now — his campaign tries to blame bloggers or Webb. I’m anti-Semitic because Allen thought it was an insult to be asked if he’s Jewish? It’s Webb’s fault that people are coming forward to report on Allen’s racist past?

    I’m reminded of President Bush attacking Iraq in response to September 11. It’s probably satisfying to hit the most convenient target, but it does nothing to address the problem at hand.

  4. It’s Webb’s fault that people are coming forward to report on Allen’s racist past?

    The new neocon way, Waldo. When in trouble or questioned by someone about something you don’t wish to talk about, turn it around on those who are merely reporting what was said or done.

    How many times have we seen this? Hell I see it on a local level all the time. The practice has infected even the local political scene here, and I just automatically think to myself, “There is a Republican.”, although I know not all bad things are done by R’s or D’s; they are done by bad actors who wish to have their way all the time.

    Cognative dissonance anyone?

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