Still more Allen racism witnesses.

As I forecast, the more Allen’s campaign attacks regular joes for stating the truth about him, the more others will come out of the woodwork to support their friends. There are two more now who testify to Allen’s racism: George Beam vouches for the story of Allen stuffing the head of a deer into the mailbox of a random black family and Virginia blogger Doug Thompson reporting on Allen calling both Gov. Wilder and Jesse Jackson n*****s. On his blog, Thompson writes about why he came forward and about how the Allen campaign is now attacking him.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

13 replies on “Still more Allen racism witnesses.”

  1. From the article:

    The fact is George Allen is a racist, a bigot and a despicable miscreant unfit to hold any elected office. Sadly, he is not the only one found in the halls of power in Washington.

    I didn’t like Allen the first two times he was elected. It was a gross error of judgement on the part of the voters of Virginia. One they made twice. And Shame on those who’ve waited until now to publicize what was privately common knowlege.

    Allen is Toast. If Virginians vote again to put him in office… well I wouldn’t be surprised.

  2. Waldo,

    I’ve been reading your blogs long enough to know that you’re not stupid. Thus I am saddened by the realization that your jihad here against Senator Allen is not the result of you being a naive stooge, but rather you are a willing, even eager, participant in this character assassination hatched by the Webb Campaign, the DSCC, and carried out by their willing allies in the MSM and the blogosphere.

    Where, Waldo, is your retraction or at least explanation that Saboto never actually heard Allen say the n-word? And who’s this Doug Thomson who just happens to have a blog? Are you kidding me? We’re not all like you, man, with half-a-dozen blogs to our credit. I’ll bet you a buffalo nickel he’s some kind of leftwing activist, as are most of these people coming forward with their bullshit stories – not unlike you.

    I know you guys haven’t had a lot to celebrate since ’96, so please enjoy this while it lasts. Maybe you can share your Mary Sue Terry (wtf?) fantasies with the folks over at Kos. But on Nov. 7, when all the votes are counted, I suspect we all know that it’ll be George Allen serving as the Commonwealth’s junior senator for another 6 years. If not by the 10 points hoped for earlier, then at least by the comfortable margain of 5.

    -The Judge

  3. I’ll bet you a buffalo nickel he’s some kind of leftwing activist…

    If this had been directed at me, I would simply say, “Thank You, I know who I am.”

    Hopefully, you are not an actual judge, because

    But on Nov. 7, when all the votes are counted, I suspect we all know that it’ll be George Allen serving as the Commonwealth’s junior senator for another 6 years.

    sounds highly delusional to me. I don’t know or think any such thing. Another week or two of this, and you can stick a fork in Allen, he’ll be done. Mostly by his own doing, I might add.

  4. “Capitol Hill Blue is a not-for-profit, non-commercial, non-partisan experiment in on-line journalism published as an information resource for our readers. We don’t play favorites and we don’t shill for any political party, philosophical group or ideological point-of-view.”

    Doug Thompson:

    “. . . in 1981 and moved to Washington towork on Capitol Hill as press secretary to then-Congressman Paul Findley (R-IL). He later served as press secretary to a second Republican congressman and chief of staff for a third before coming special assistant to the Ranking Republican Member of the House Science and Technology Committee from 1985-87. In 1984, Thompson served as a writer for the Voices for Victory program of the Reagan-Bush Presidential Campaign and as a field consultant for the National Republican Congressional Committee. In 1986, he took a leave of absence from his Capitol Hill post to serve as communications consultant to the campaign of Amory Houghton (R-NY).”

    Not quite the “leftwing activist” you where hoping for huh?

    I have to say that I am very amused (though not surprised, because there is no accountability with these people. When things go wrong it is always someone else’s fault: manly the media: Iraq, Vietnam, Katrina, so on and so on) Anyway I am very amused with the Nixonian paranoia of the Allen defenders. Like some how, Allen with a ragging case of Rampant Foot In Mouth Disease, has not brought this on himself.

  5. How many times has either Jesse Jackson, or our former Gov. Wilder used that word? As I have always said, it’s just a word, get over it!

  6. Hey Joe:

    I think the name “Capitol Hill Blue” says a lot. Res ipsa loquitur and all that.

    Additionally, it is the height of irony to be accused of “Nixonian paranoia” by a member of an ideological movement that believes the Bush and bin Laden families co-orchestrated 9/11, and Karl Rove blew up the levees in New Orleans.

    -The Judge

  7. Thus I am saddened by the realization that your jihad here against Senator Allen is not the result of you being a naive stooge, but rather you are a willing, even eager, participant in this character assassination hatched by the Webb Campaign, the DSCC, and carried out by their willing allies in the MSM and the blogosphere.

    Uh. Yeah. I got a copy of that on the same day that I got my copy of the gay agenda in the mail.

    Where, Waldo, is your retraction or at least explanation that Saboto never actually heard Allen say the n-word

    I’d retract it if I ever wrote that. But I didn’t.

    Additionally, it is the height of irony to be accused of “Nixonian paranoia” by a member of an ideological movement that believes the Bush and bin Laden families co-orchestrated 9/11, and Karl Rove blew up the levees in New Orleans.

    Let’s not go making such sweeping generalizations, shall we? Nobody is served by that. You and I both know that nobody who participates in this blog can be fairly saddled with every belief of every individual within our respective parties. Let’s not pretend otherwise.

  8. ummmm, Waldo, you silly naive stooge, I, personally, I am convinced that when I wasn’t looking, Karl Rove put way too much sugar in my coffee this morning. It really ruined my whole day.

    So I am totally down with that ideological movement, even got my arm band in the mail! So watch out! We are so going to take down that damn liberal msm . . . oh wait thats those other guys.

    PS. I love people it when people call themselves “The Judge” . Its so hot.

  9. You know, I’ve got to point out how funny it is to see me accused of “being [a] willing, even eager, participant in this character assassination hatched by the Webb Campaign” when I have not one but two prominent, lengthy blog entries on the front page of my site defending Sen. Allen.

    I’m the worst character assassin ever.

    It’s not character assassination, JS. It’s character suicide.

  10. Funny if Allen called Jesse Jackson names since Jesse called New York City, “hymietown”. If all this is true, they are a match.

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