4 replies on “DP chides Allen.”

  1. The DP article says Allen has apologized, but I haven’t seen anything from him other than “I didn’t mean anything offensive.” An apology is admitting you did something wrong, not denying it — have you seen an actual apology anywhere?

  2. The DP seems to have stated it well and made the points without flying off the handle.

    The statement, “Welcome to America,” to a native born Virginian, was the statement that perked my ears, too. That statement rung out above all his other statements to Mr. Sidarth.

    OK, so Sidarth’s parents were immigrants. Mr. Allen’s mother is too. (She is from Tunisia.) Thus both Mr. Allen and Mr. Sidarth are first generation Americans. What, then, is the difference between you and Mr. Sidarth anyway, Mr. Allen? Why did you singled him out for being a “new comer” to the USA (and Virginia).

    Has anyone heard Mr. Allen address that one, or apologize for it? Forget Macaca, Allen’s, “Welcome to America,” says speaks volumes about Allen, and it remains unaddressed.

  3. The statement, “Welcome to America,” to a native born Virginian, was the statement that perked my ears, too. That statement rung out above all his other statements to Mr. Sidarth.

    Not only to a native born Virginian, but spoken by a man who was born and lived until adulthood in L.A.

    If the Webb campaign is going to provide a condescending nickname for Allen, I would have skipped “Felix” and gone straight to “Hollywood.”

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