2 replies on “Allen denies use of racial slur.”

  1. Look at some of the comments on that page. These aren’t people disgusted by racism. They are simply people trying to find dirt on Republicans, George Allen in particular. I might note one thing interesting. Check out this comment.“I wish Webb had a better chance to take out this racist redneck !” I’m pretty sure redneck is being in a derogatory fashion here, and yet, this person is “busting” George Allen and “these wingnuts” for being derogatory, as he (she?) put it. I’m sorry, hard to take that very seriously. Looks like a case of pot, kettle, and political opportunism.

  2. Mike Stark rocks. There wouldn’t be any cry of political opportunism if George Allen was lording it over Jim Webb.

    George Allen has hired some of the most vile, uncurteous slander-slingers in the country to work on his campaign. Now they are getting desperate. What will they do? They will distort the facts and try unsuccessfully to paint Jim Webb as unfit for the job. They will question his military heroism. They will question his every move.

    Some say this is just politics, but I prefer mine to be reality-based and factual. Allen did use a slur to speak to a Webb staffer; he did initiate a meeting with the CCC, a racist white-supremacy group; he has not been a very good steward of Virginia’s interests in the Senate. To me, that sounds like he shouldn’t be rehired for another term.

    One last thing: if every comment on a blog was gold, then they would be read even more than they already are, and there wouldn’t be any comment problems on any blog. Mike obviously cannot control who posts on his blog, but all the comments seemed to be well-intentioned fans of his that expressed themselves personally. We can hardly hold Mike responsible for that.

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