5 replies on “The end times are here. Yay!”

  1. Yup, it’s still there, just a tiny bit more difficult to get to. You have to click on the “end times chat” link in the upper left-hand corner. Can’t say the denizens there have much of interest beyond all the “we’re going home” prattle. Personally, I don’t see the end of the world a-comin’. Even if a larger regional conflict does evolve, Oct 1973, gives me a feeling of “been there, done that.” Everyone was afraid that war would escalate into world War III, but it didn’t. Back then as now, the US backed Israel, but now there is no USSR to back a wider Arab Bloc, only Iran supporting Hizballah. Though the conflict may soon involve Iran, Syria has no major protector and so appears to be opting out. Moreover, the Israeli govt appears to recognize this desire, for now.

    Though there wasn’t an internet or even BBS’s at the time, there was lots of talk of “endtimes” among the fundamentalist crowd, and we had more than a few of them in the military where I was stationed in Europe at the time. They were loud and obnoxious for a while, but when the world failed to end in short order, they got pretty quiet. I have to confess to chiding a couple of them for the next six months or so, and the most original answer I got back was along the lines of “shut up, Anderson, or you’ll be manning that broom for the next six months.” Geniuses, the lot of them.

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